I'm trying a different font here. I think this one is easier to read. Now, if I can just remember to use it here every time. :-)
I'm proud of myself for:
1) finishing my Christmas shopping more than a week before Christmas.
2) learning how to knit.
3) updating this blog!
The stockings are hung by the chimney with care & they've already been filled by Santa's elf. No one pays any attention to the stockings anymore until Christmas morning, so I can fill them ahead of time & not have to wait for every one to go to bed on Christmas Eve. That's nice, especially since I usually go to bed before everyone else.
Our tree turned out beautifully! You can see a picture of it on Rachel's blog at Romantic Stitches. She did the decorating of the tree all by herself. This is the third year she's done all the tree decorating. She does love Christmas!!
Elizabeth decorated the mantle again this year. She usually does a lot of the other decorating around the house. But we opted not to do a lot of the other decorating since there's the roof leak in the dining room. If everything goes as planned, we'll get the roof fixed, the living room, dining room, & sunroom fixed over this next year.
It's hard to believe that my oldest child is now 24 years old. I just always took it for granted that she would be married & have a at least 1 child by now. Just goes to show you that God isn't on the same timetable that I am. I'm proud that she seems content to wait on God though. Wish I could say the rest of my kids were content to wait on God & be satisfied with their life right now.
After being told most of my life that I couldn't do things like crochet, knitting, & needlepoint because I was left handed, I've learned how to do those very things! That makes me feel good about myself. I can do those things & more whether I'm left handed or not!